mayfaire-saturday-night-It’s an age-old question that we always try to avoid: Should we enjoy ourselves the night before we’re supposed to go to work? Is Lakeland nightlife acceptable during weekdays when we are expected to show up to work the next day alert and focused?

In the middle of the week, you can find yourself so bummed out about work and personal problems. Sometimes, you just need a few drinks… or even more. There are so many people who are undergoing work-related stress who turn to alcohol and nightlife to calm themselves. In a small city like Lakeland, does it really matter if one or two of your employees enjoy the bar or pub scene the night before?

Hold your alcohol well

People differ in so many things, even on how they hold their drinks. Some can drink until the wee hours of the morning and still wake up feeling fresh, alert, and focused. Some drink a couple of glasses of light beer and find themselves lightheaded from the night before, with no idea how to get through the day. Know yourself before trying to have a Lakeland nightlife, especially if you’re expected at work the next day. If you know you cannot hold your alcohol well, then simply enjoy the music and don’t drink at all.

Go home early

During weekdays, bars and pubs are more likely to close early. See to it that you manage to go home before the bars close their doors. Start your dinner and your nightlife early and then go home as soon as you feel more relaxed and readier for what’s in store the next day. Going home very, very late is the number one enemy of not being able to go to work the next day. When you were in college, how many times do you have to excuse yourself from classes because you have a smashing hangover from the night before? Don’t do that now that you’re working.

The answer is yes, you can go and enjoy yourself the night before a work week. You don’t have to deprive yourself of the simple pleasure of dining and drinking with your friends. As long as you do it moderately and as long as you understand your responsibilities and the consequences of your actions, then you’re good to go. Remember, it is more stressful to lose your job in this tough economy, so make sure to just drink a couple of cocktails and go home to rest and be ready for the next day.