run 1Lakeland events host many morning runs and marathons that can hopefully turn Lakeland residents into health buffs and running enthusiasts. There’s the Urban Oak Morning Run, the Black & Brew Coffee Run, and the Red Door Pub Run. These events are co-sponsored and co-organized by the Lakeland council to boost the sense of community within the city, as well as make the residents more conscious about their health and well-being.

Running is good for the heart

If you want a good cardio, then make a beeline for the weekly marathon in Lakeland. Running even five to 10 minutes a day can radically reduce the chances of heart diseases. In fact, runners have half the chance of dying because of heart diseases than those who don’t run.

Running makes you feel good

The brain releases two powerful chemicals—endorphins and endocannabinoids—when you run. Yes, it does sound like cannabis, and this particular hormone has almost the same effect as marijuana. This particular chemical was actually discovered when scientists were trying to discover how people are getting high when they use cannabis.

Running makes you lose a lot of calories

Calories are the fuel your body needs when you run. That means when you run, you are burning these calories that you badly need to torch. When you run on a flat surface for 10 minutes, you can burn as much as 12.2 calories per minute. That’s a lot, right? Can you imagine if you do it on a hilly terrain?

Running is a leg workout, too

Do you want to strengthen and tone those calf muscles? The legs have the body’s biggest muscles and since you’re using legs to run, they receive quite a number of benefits—your inner and outer thighs, your backside, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

Running can result to great-looking abs

By the simple act of running, you can get killer abs in no time. Do you know about that? When you run, your core muscles work as well and in time, your abs will turn from a one-pack to a possible six-pack. Running will also stabilize your spine, which reduces the risk of backaches and a lot of back problems in the future.

Running is flexible

You don’t have to join Lakeland events to run (though that’s a good start to learn about it and join a community of runners). You can do this during your free time, whenever that may be. You can jog to work or take the stairs instead of the elevator. That can constitute as running on your part, too.