There’s nothing quite like going out on a Saturday night with some good friends on a good Lakeland nightlife, the night filled with the potential to be more than it already is. You have the opportunity to meet new friends, reconnect with some old ones, and each night is a chance to have memories that’ll last you a lifetime. However, no matter how fun these nights are, you must always remember to keep your valuables safe, and here is how to do so.

First things first, when going out on a nightlife, be mindful of what you’re going to be wearing. Even if you’re going out with people that you trust, you have no idea who you’ll be encountering out there. While it’s great to know that there is a lot of potential to meet new, interesting people over the course of the night, they’re not all nice. So it’s important to stay vigilant.

Don’t wear jewelry or accessories that stand out or look expensive, especially if you’re going to be hopping from location to location, as these have the potential to fall off. Next, don’t bring anything that could be too bulky because again, these can be put down and forgotten about. For your wallet, take out any important cards that you don’t need for the night. If your wallet gets lost that night, then at least the loss would be minimal. Keep only the essentials on you.

If you’ll be bringing a bag with you avoid bags like a clutch bag, and avoid anything bulkier. As much as possible, use a bag that has a sling that you can carry cross-body style so that you don’t risk it falling off. Also, keep some money in your pocket so that at least if your bag or your wallet goes missing, you can still make your way home.

With your cell phone, it would be difficult to leave it behind since you need it to communicate with your companions for the evening. However, to avoid having it stolen or going missing, do not take it out unless you absolutely have to, and put it back in your pocket or bag as soon as you’re done with it.

Avoid taking it out in crowded areas, even if you are tempted to take photos of the evening and post them on social media. Preventing hundreds of dollars in loss of valuables is more important than keeping everyone you know on social media up to date on your activities for the night. It only takes a few steps to make sure that your Lakeland nightlife is both fun and safe.