Do you remember your college days? Or are you still in college now? Visiting bars and spending a Tampa nightlife can be really, really expensive. You have to spend a couple of hundreds of dollars a night just to get that right buzz to hit the sack right away. Unfortunately, we’re not all billionaires, who can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars for a night of fun. We’re all fighting through life one day at a time.

Want to get the more out of your buck? Here are a few tips to remember when you’re out in bars and working with a small budget:

Know how much you can spend

Do you want to finish off the night regretting that $30 you spent on a round of drinks? That will only happen when you are not aware how much money you can spend for drinks. This is the practical way of doing it: before leaving home, know just how much you can spend on drinks and food (yes remember food, please, because you need food in order not to get drunk). If you know how much you can spend, you will also know when to stop ordering those drinks.

Prefer special discounted drinks

Before going to the bar, check out that bar’s Facebook or Yelp profiles because they may be offering special drinks for ladies, college students, or their general customers. Although you may not prefer these special drinks, they are priced way below the normal price range of the drinks in that bar, so you may want to try them. Make a mental note of the special drinks they are offering (some bars don’t put it on their physical menu).

Do the pre-game routine

A pre-game means drinking at home before going to the bar. You’ll have a little of a buzz before drinking in your chosen bar. Buying a bottle of vodka (even the good stuff) in a convenience store will cost you below $25, but buying one in a bar could be priced at $40 or more. This pre-game routine would help you save money and at the same time, achieve that level of drunk you want and crave for.

Avoid taking shots

In the middle of a fun party, we’ll probably shout “let’s have some shots!” But shots are expensive, mind you. They are priced at $10 each. Beers, cocktails, and wine last much longer and they cost less. If you like shots, that’s cool, too, but expect your bill to run higher than normal.