When we refer to online stores in this post, we’re not referring to mainstream online stores such as Macy’s, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale’s, Target, Walmart, etc. We’re referring to stand-alone online stores run mostly by a team of five people or even less. When you go Tampa shopping in these stores, you are bound to find quirky little items that will intrigue and interest you.

Here are some of the things you may expect from these online stores:

Homemade goodies

When you browse through Instagram or Facebook, you’ll often find home bakers who sell their cookies, brownies, and pastries online. There are also home cooks who found a way to “bottle” their delicacies and sell it to people on the internet. If you are fond of trying new dishes, it’s a good time for you to try out these goodies perfected in home kitchens by grandmothers, stay-at-home moms, and aspiring cooks. Do you know that a lot of lactating cookies (for breastfeeding moms) are being sold online by, well, breastfeeding mommas?

Baby items made by stay-at-home moms

Since new mothers cannot work full-time yet, they stay at home and find things they can earn an income from. If they are good at knitting, you may find them selling knitted mittens, caps, and clothes for babies. If they are good at baking lactating cookies, they may do that, too. Moms are amazing. They do everything and anything to help their family, especially if there’s a new baby and the home budget has just been disarrayed.

Exclusive distributors of items not available in mainstream stores/malls

Great purchases are not exclusive in US stores. There are actually great items and delicacies from all around the world. Some business people don’t partner with malls in distributing these goods because of the tax rate and the hefty fees imposed by mainstream malls and stores. What they do is use social media as their online store. If you are looking for an item manufactured overseas, you may be better off searching for them on Instagram and Facebook because there are exclusive distributorships there.

Secondhand items

Believe it or not, but there are a lot of great secondhand items you can buy online. As you well know, people are natural consumerists, which means that we buy and buy stuff we don’t actually need. There comes a point when we realize that we have too much stuff already. The practical thing to do is to put some of those for sale. As a consumer, you can benefit from these secondhand items.