Choosing the right prices for your Tampa events can make or break the success of your event. If you price your tickets too high, you risk losing out on potential attendees, but if you price them too low, you risk losing money on the entire thing overall. Choosing the right price for your event tickets isn’t as easy as pointing to a number and choosing that as the cost per ticket. It is important to take into account the cost of rent, materials, promoters if you used any, special guests, if you invited any. All of these have to be taken into account when pricing your event tickets.

However, there is an option you can take where you price your tickets according to a tiered structure. This allows more benefits and exclusivity to your more loyal customers, while still allowing your more casual followers to enjoy your event without having to pay more for a higher priced ticket. Tiered pricing allows you to create different costs per level of ticket, wherein the more expensively priced tickets provide the attendee with more perks and benefits.

For example, with a basic ticket, you have access to the event itself, and can enjoy it in its entirety without having to pay extra. But for a higher tiered ticket, let’s say, silver, when you purchase this ticket, you have access to the full event and you’re given a freebie as well. For the gold ticket, you get all the perks of the basic and silver tickets, but you also have the opportunity to meet the hosts of the event in a meet and greet. This is just one of the simplest ways tiered ticketing works.

However, tiered pricing isn’t limited to the different levels of the event access, you can also use tiered pricing to help in generating interest and promoting your event. By releasing “early bird” tickets, you can begin to generate a buzz and provide early bird discounts to early purchasers. Using the early bird tactic also gives off the impression that tickets are more likely to be sold out at a cheaper cost, and more people are likely to rush to purchase these before they run out.

You can also sell any leftover tickets you might have at the actual event site as well. If you inform your customers that tickets onsite will be priced higher than tickets sold online or before the day of the event, they may be more motivated to buy your tickets before the day of the event. However, it is also a good thing if people choose to buy your higher priced tickets at the door, as this is also a good source of profit.

Determining the cost of your tickets for your Tampa events can be a tricky thing, but as long as you think things through, you’ll find the right price you and your customers can agree on.