In the United States, tipping is a very common practice everywhere, not just in Tampa restaurants. However, do we really know how much we are supposed to tip? In the US, tipping is not a legal requirement, but it is a common act of courtesy to tip after a service has been performed for you.

If you’re in the practice of dining at Tampa restaurants and are not sure whether or not the tip that you’ve been giving is enough, here is a rundown to help you understand how tripping works and how much you’re expected to give.

Why tip?

You may be wondering why you are expected to tip, despite it not being a legal requirement to tip when you dine. Tipping is a very significant part of the American service industry, but why is that?

In other countries and cultures, a service charge is usually automatically added to the final cost of the bill, while in other cultures, it is considered rude to tip.

So why is tipping a big part of service in the United States? The reason behind this is that it is legal for restaurants to pay their servers well below the state’s minimum wage requirement, and are expected to make up the rest in customers’ tips. So a large part of a servers’ wages rely on the generosity of the customers that they serve.

In addition to this, some restaurants have a tipping pool where all of the tips are added and divided among all of the restaurant members, including cooks and bussers, which decreases the amount that servers take home even further.

How much are you expected to tip?

So now that you understand the importance of tipping at Tampa restaurants, how much exactly are you supposed to tip? The general rule of thumb is you have to tip about 15 to 20 percent of the total bill for decent service.

This means getting the order right, food is brought out with no problems, and you overall experience was pleasant. If you find that your server has exceeded your expectations in terms of the service provided, then you should definitely tip 20 percent or more.

What if my experience was bad?

Let’s face it, there may be times when you’re dining out at Tampa restaurants, and the overall experience was less than stellar. How much are you expected to tip then? Unfortunately, plenty of diners end up blaming the server for any problems with their food, and take it out of their tips.

No matter how bad your experience, this is something that you should take up with the manager, and you shouldn’t take it out of the server’s tip. You should still tip them the basic 15 percent, regardless of how you felt about the food. Leaving no tip at all will no help improve the food or service at the restaurant.