More people these days are turning to Lakeland shopping online as a way of therapy. There’s something infinitely enjoyable about lounging in bed and browsing through websites of clothes, shoes, and accessories. You get to compare prices, search for discount codes online, haggle with an online vendor, and find value in pre-ordering.

Here are the top five essential tips and tricks you need to learn if you are fond of shopping online:

Enjoy the first-time user discount

Planning to purchase something? Instead of going to your usual online shop, why don’t you try another shop that offers the same item you want? Sure, there’s that hassle of signing up and downloading the app, but you’ll probably get a first-time user discount from the new store. Make use of that discount, and the time you spend signing up would fly out the window.

Review the return policies

Before purchasing an item, make sure you understand what the return policy is. Some of the things you need to take note of are if returning is for free or you get charged a certain percentage, how long the validity period is for returning an item, if there is a refund policy, and if you can exchange the item for a different item. Since you cannot try on a dress online, you need to know you can return it when it does not fit you.

Use the price filter

Every website has this: a price filter. It ranges from $0 to thousands of dollars. Make use of this, so you won’t be tempted to buy anything over your budget. If you are only willing to spend $50, set the filter to $50, so the site won’t show anything above that price range.

Check the deals, sales, and clearance pages

Online shops will put their items on sale from time to time. Once you enter the app, head over to the clearance, sales, or deals pages and see if there’s something there that will catch your attention. Most of the stuff there are limited in quantity and sizes, but it is still great to be able to snag a shirt or two for under $10, right?

Follow your favorite shops’ social media accounts

All e-commerce websites have social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They use these accounts to announce promotional discounts and other clearances and sales. If you’re a constant shopper, you would want to know if there’s a free shipping promo for today, so you can get that $10 item delivered to you without the extra cost.