It’s that time of the year again when we simply want to spend as much time as with our kids as possible. After all, there’s nothing like seeing the wonder in their eyes when we take them to Tampa events like the annual winter village or the Christmas-themed food park. But as much as we want to take them everywhere with us, we should remember to take every precaution necessary to keep them safe and secure.

Have an agreement with them

If you have toddlers that you can now talk to, speak to them and have an agreement that they won’t stray far and they won’t go anywhere without you.

Have a pre-arranged meeting place, too, just in case they’ll get lost. Tell them to go to the reception area or to the entrance door and you’ll be meeting them there no matter what.

You also have to make them agree to behave and not throw a tantrum when they don’t get their way. As long as you enjoy as a family, everyone should be happy and contented.

Prepare for the worst

Unfortunately, even though we try to make the world as safe for them as possible, that’s not really going to happen. Your kids are pretty smart and we’re sure they have already memorized your phone number by now.

Just in case they haven’t or they forget, put an ID tag on them that has your contact details. You can also opt to give them an old phone that they can use for emergency situations such as if they stray too far away.

You should probably consider buying a child leash, too. We know that it sounds “inhumane,” but if it keeps your kids safe and with you all the time, then why won’t you do it?

Do not go alone

If you have more than one kid, it’s really not advisable to visit Tampa events with all of them. Whether they’re well behaved and conscious of their surroundings, they are still just kids and there’s a big possibility they may wander around when you’re not looking and is preoccupied with taking care of the other kids.

If your husband or wife cannot be with you, why don’t you ask your sister or brother or a close friend who can help you keep an eye on your children? Trust us, though you never like depending on others and asking for help, this is the one time when you truly, really need someone.