A Tampa nightlife has always been known to be a solo event. After all, who else is going to support you as you stumble home at 2 in the morning after a fun night of dancing? But there will be times when you ask your friends to come out with you on a night out, but find that they either don’t feel like coming out or that they had other plans.

There’s nothing wrong with that, after all, sometimes we have other things to do. But if you still want to go on a night out, there’s nothing wrong with going out by yourself. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, here are some ways that you can master the art of the solo Tampa nightlife.

Do something that you want to do

Going out on a nightlife with your friends is always great, but there’s always a lot of compromises involved when it comes to deciding where to go for the night. The great thing about going out on a night out by yourself is that all of that decision making is left entirely up to you.

If you want to check out some local live music or a comedy show instead of clubbing, then you’re free to do so. The night is your oyster, and it’s all up to you to decide what to do with it.

Bust out of your comfort zone

Another great thing about going on a solo night out is that you can go out of your comfort zone without worrying about being judged.

If you want to go dancing even though it isn’t your strong suit, then there’s nothing to stop you from doing that. If you want to hang out at a coffee shop by yourself for several hours, then you should go on ahead.

Manage your expectations

Something that you should remember when going out on a Tampa nightlife on your own is that anything can happen. Of course, it can be the greatest night of your life, but you shouldn’t be too disappointed if nothing extraordinary happens.

If you end up having a few drinks by yourself at a bar, watching people, and going home afterward, there’s nothing wrong with that. The main thing to do is to just let yourself enjoy the time to yourself.

Stay safe

Of course, since you’re out on a Tampa nightlife by yourself, you should always keep an eye out for yourself. Don’t risk going to places where you don’t feel safe. Don’t drink and drive, call someone to pick you up, or a cab. It’s important that you stay safe.