When it comes to a Tampa nightlife, clubbing is one of those activities that you have to try at least once. A lot of people aren’t particularly fond of clubbing, it seems to be one of those activities you either love or hate.

If you’re new to the nightlife scene, going clubbing with your friends is something that you should give a try at least once, to see whether or not it’s for you. If you like it, great, but if you don’t, at least you actually gave it a shot.

But for a first-timer, clubs can be a pretty loud and intimidating place to spend your Saturday night, especially if you’re surrounded by dance music and strangers. If you’re about to go through your very first clubbing experience in a Tampa nightlife, here are some tips that can help you out.

Choose a decent club

If this is your very first clubbing experience, choose a decent club, even if the entry fee may be a little more expensive. Do you really want to waste your first clubbing experience on a club that looks like it’s about to be condemned? Choose a nicer club and you’re bound to be surrounded by nicer people, which will help improve your clubbing experience.

Don’t push it if you aren’t 21 yet

It might be exciting to lie your way into a club when you’re underage, but do you really want to go through the trouble of bribing and lying your way in just for the sake of saying you did so? If you’re not yet of age, calm down, there’s plenty of time for you to go clubbing when you’re older.

Bring a trusted friend

It’s your first-time clubbing, and you’re wading through unfamiliar waters. At times like these, you’re going to want to bring a friend to help you through it. It helps if your friend is familiar with the clubbing scene so that they can help you figure out what you can and can’t do.

Travel light

It may feel like that you’re going to need a lot to make sure that you don’t get caught unaware throughout the course of the night. Wallet, keys, phone, band-aids, just in case, sweets, just in case, painkillers, just in case…

As much as possible, travel light. You see the first three items on that list I just gave you? Those are the only three things you’re going to need. You’re going to be on your feet a lot, and carrying a heavy bag full of stuff is going to make the experience very unpleasant for you.

Don’t overdrink

Of course, drinking is a very natural part of any Tampa nightlife clubbing experience, and it might be tempting to go a little overboard.

As much as possible, if you’re going to drink, make sure that you keep it in moderation. Drinking too much clouds your judgment, and that’s the last thing that you want in an unfamiliar environment.