Is It Bad To Bring Your Kids To Your Tampa Nightlife Outing?

We know that look before. It’s the exact same look that older mothers use on millennial parents who bring their kids to the grocery store or to the mall when they’re still infants. It’s the same kind of look they give us when we bring our children with us when we meet friends in a sports bar and drink while our children doodle beside us. What is so wrong about bringing kids with you when you want a little Tampa nightlife break? Are we breaking the law? Technically and legally, there’s no rule against bringing kids with you and ordering a cocktail or two. There’s a law, however, when you want to drive after having that drink. So, if you’re going with your partner, make sure that one of you is the designated driver of the group. Otherwise, just call a taxi and make sure that you all go home safe. Sports bars and nightclubs have become kid-friendly these days by offering kiddie meals and family packages for their lunch and dinner. The problem, however, lies when the parents…
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How To Make Your Tampa Nightlife Business Family-Oriented

Bars and pubs are not really for babies and children. Our children don’t exactly have a Tampa nightlife where they drink and dance their worries away. But if you’re new parents, you know all about the stress of family life and sometimes, you just want to go out and drink and dance and hang out with your friends. So, how do you reconcile the fact that you’re a new parent who needs a drink but can’t leave the baby at home? Look, it may look and feel impossible and not to mention downright wrong, but there are tips that a business could follow to turn their nightlife businesses into family-oriented and baby-friendly ones. Prefer soft music The reason why we can take kids to a fine dine-in restaurant or a fastfood and not to a nightclub is because of the loud music. They can be put to sleep when in a restaurant, but not in a bar or a club where the speakers are blaring Drake’s latest song, right? If you want to be a family-friendly bar, better ditch the loud music an…
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The 3 Cardinal Rules of Tampa Nightlife Etiquette

We go out to party and to Tampa nightlife to escape from the rules that hinder us from enjoying ourselves throughout the day. We want to let loose and we want to party hard with our friends. The rules that we will be discussing here are quiet well known, but it is still important to put an emphasis on how important these rules are, so we can enjoy a fantastic night with our friends. Be patient on the line Look, you will fall in line. If you want to enter an ultra-exclusive bar or club, there’s a good chance there will be a line on the door by 10PM or 11PM. It’s not always because the bar is full. This is a business tactic for most bar owners. They want their customers to think that they are always jampacked and that it’s hard to enter their exclusive property. Unless you know the owner or the door man, you will probably have to fall in line. That should be okay with you and remember never to be pissed at the door man. He’s just doing his job. Don’t save a space for …
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How To Survive As A Tampa Nightlife Manager

If you have ever felt inadequate as the manager of a Tampa nightlife bar, don’t worry. You are not the only one. Many club and bar managers feel the same way because of the amount of work that these nightclubs require. It’s not about just working eight hours a day. It’s about working the whole day—from the moment the employees start coming in to prepare for the night to the minute the bar closes its door for the day. There is simply no relaxing when you work in the nightlife industry. But hey, here are a few tips on how you can survive being in the nightlife business. Get plenty of exercise We know that it might seem taxing to work out and exercise when you are already so busy with work. It feels like you’re working 24/7, right? But during the smallest free time you have, try and get a couple of hours of work out in the gym or simply run for a few miles in the park. This will keep your adrenaline pumping and it will put you in good shape. Remember that the nightlife …
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Promoting Events In Tampa Nightlife Clubs And Bars

As a Tampa nightlife club owner, you’re not just required to run the business side of things and to manage your employees. You need to think of ways to promote the business, so that the customers and the money keep coming in. You cannot be contented with the nightly gimmicks your club has such as ladies’ night or a DJ playing a certain music theme. You need to be creative in hosting events because this is critical to your bar’s success. And along with hosting and organizing events, it is essential that you promote these events to the right market. You must develop a strategic marketing plan to persuade customers visiting your bar and attending the events are worthy of their time. Market the events eight weeks in advance Start small. Tease your target audience that there will be a special event in a few weeks times. You need to start early, so that your customers will cross out that day on their calendars. Plan and develop a strategy in line with your promotional budg…
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How To Enjoy Tampa Nightlife On A College Budget

Do you remember your college days? Or are you still in college now? Visiting bars and spending a Tampa nightlife can be really, really expensive. You have to spend a couple of hundreds of dollars a night just to get that right buzz to hit the sack right away. Unfortunately, we’re not all billionaires, who can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars for a night of fun. We’re all fighting through life one day at a time. Want to get the more out of your buck? Here are a few tips to remember when you’re out in bars and working with a small budget: Know how much you can spend Do you want to finish off the night regretting that $30 you spent on a round of drinks? That will only happen when you are not aware how much money you can spend for drinks. This is the practical way of doing it: before leaving home, know just how much you can spend on drinks and food (yes remember food, please, because you need food in order not to get drunk). If you know how much you can spend, you …
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