Staying on a diet involves a lot of self-discipline on your part. After all, it takes a lot of effort to reverse years of unhealthy eating habits and turn to eat healthy consistently. With the holidays coming up, this is even more difficult to stick to, with holiday parties and dinners out with the family at Lakeland restaurants.

But it would definitely be a waste to see all of your year’s effort be thwarted by the holidays. Fortunately, staying on the healthy track during the holidays can be done, with a little planning involved.

So if you’re going to head out for dinner at Lakeland restaurants or a party this holiday season, here are some things to keep in mind.

Choose the roasted option

When you’re eating out for dinner and you’re faced with all kinds of options, a good way to stick to the healthy track is by ordering something that has been roasted, as opposed to a dish that has been deep fried or sauteed in butter.

The great thing about roasted food is that the method of cooking goes a long way in adding flavor, so there’s no need to add any other calorie-laden fats, like butter. It’s also a good idea to opt for a side of roasted vegetables instead of a side of mashed potatoes.

Know what goes in your cocktail or eggnog

Eggnog is the unofficial drink of the holiday season, but you should know that a single serving of eggnog can have up to 350 calories. It certainly is delicious, but it’s laden with cream, rum, and eggs.

If you want to go with the healthier option, there are plenty of recipes online that show you how to substitute ingredients for healthier ones. Cocktails also contain a lot of hidden calories as well, so make sure you read up on what you’re planning on drinking and see if you can substitute anything out.

Choose your dessert wisely

When it comes to dessert, you should always think about this carefully. It helps if you choose a holiday dessert that you don’t get to eat that often during the rest of the year so that you have more cause to savor it more.

Gingerbread is always a great option, and if you’re going for pie, pumpkin or sweet potato pie is a healthy and delicious choice. Of course, if you really want to go for the healthiest option, you can always opt for a bowl of chilled mixed fruit. It’s refreshing and delicious to boot.

Don’t be so hard on yourself

The most important thing to remember when eating out for the holidays at Lakeland restaurants is to not be so hard on yourself. Even if you slip up one night and eat more than your daily allotted calories, you can always get back on that horse tomorrow. Focus more on spending time with your family and friends during this holiday season.