Is it time to declutter? Do you have lots of stuff in your closet that you need to get rid of? Are there things that you don’t need but are stuck in your cabinets for months? Are your drawers brimming full of items and knick-knacks that you just don’t know what to do about? Creating an ecommerce site for online Tampa shopping is a great experience to try your hand at a retail business and also to earn a little cash from your old, used, but hopefully well-conditioned items.

Sell clothes that do not fit your current personal style

We’re sure you have clothes in your closet that do not necessarily fit your current personal style. Maybe they are clothes from way back when you started wearing short shorts or bare sundresses? But now that you are in the corporate world, you’ve outgrown going to the grocery store looking like you’ve just rolled out of bed.

It’s time to let go of these pieces, especially if you have not used them for the past months and maybe even years. They take a lot of space in your closet; space that could otherwise be used for your new clothes or maybe even those hand towels (because you’re adulting, duh) you’ve been collecting.

Sell clothes that do not fit you anymore

If it does not fit you anymore, sell it. Some people like holding on to the clothes they had when they were still in college, thinking they would somehow fit in it again after having baby number three. There’s nothing wrong with aiming for a good and healthy body once more but it might be better if you let go of things that do not fit you, too, so you can invest in a gym suit, for example.

Sell shoes and bags that you have not used for months/years

How many shoes and bags does anyone need, anyway? A couple of pair of shoes and a trusty handbag is all we really need in life. But both men and women prefer to collect pairs and pairs of shoes and numerous handbags that they would not be able to use in a year (because who changes bags every day?).

If you have not used a particular bag or shoes in more than a year, it’s time to let it go. Plenty others will enjoy having them at a lower price. Plus, you can get a new pair (that you will use) for the money you’ll receive for selling the old items.