Planning Tampa events is not work for the weak-hearted. You can spend months and countless hours putting together an event that, in your opinion, should have been perfect. However, no matter how well you put together your event, in the end, the numbers of the attendees and ticket sales will determine how successful your event is.

There’s no worse feeling in the world than putting together an entire event, and when you launch ticket sales, they’re significantly less than what you initially expected. You might have made some mistakes in your marketing. Here are some mistakes that you might have made that may be hurting your ticket sales.

Not using targeted marketing

Some people believe that targeting as many people as possible when marketing your Tampa events is the definite way to go. Unfortunately, while you do want a wide reach, if you don’t know how to target your marketing strategy, then you’re wasting your strategy.

Blasting an email and hoping it reaches as many people isn’t the way to go. Do you research, and use that information to create a tailored marketing strategy to generate ticket sales.

Not utilizing social media enough

Some event planners have not yet understood the full potential of social media as a marketing tool. Some of them are content with posting once in awhile on social media and hoping that it works out.

Social media is one of the strongest marketing tools that you can use to boost ticket sales for your Tampa events. If you use it right, you can reach a wide range of people that are specifically interested in your event.

Only notifying attendees about ticket sales once

Some event planners only send out one alert about event ticket sales once and they just end up waiting for people to be interested enough to buy a ticket.

While it may seem intimidating, you have to keep generating interest. This can be done by posting regularly on social media, creating content in relation to your event, and keep sending newsletters to potential attendees.

Not using enough marketing strategies

While it is important to use social media as your primary mode of marketing, it wouldn’t do to forget other forms of marketing strategies as well.

Some people are not interested in browsing social media, so you have to figure out how to reach these people as well. You can combine your digital marketing strategy with other forms of traditional marketing to maximize interest in your Tampa events.