A great Tampa nightlife out is slowly becoming synonymous with drinking alcohol and going all out with your friends for a wild night out. However, there are people who choose not to drink alcohol, where it’s for health reasons or personal preference.

Sometimes, during events like these, they may feel as though they are being left out because they choose not to drink. It should be known that it is possible to enjoy a night out without having to resort to drinking.

You can still chat with people, dance, and have a great time without the aid of alcohol. No matter what your reasons for not drinking are, you should still allow yourself to have a great time. Here are some tips to help you have a great Tampa nightlife without drinking alcohol.

Be open about it, but don’t rub it in everyone’s faces

It’s okay to be voluntarily alcohol-free, especially if people are pushing you to drink. Don’t slink away after making some excuse, be comfortable enough to be open about your choice to remain sober for the night. If they’re aware of your reasons, then they’ll leave you alone without pushing the issue.

However, make sure that you understand the line between being honest about your choice to be sober and being preachy towards people who are actually drinking. The main point of this whole thing is for both parties to be respectful of the others’ choices.

Look for other sober people

Chances are, you’re not the only sober person at the party/bar/club. If your drink friends aren’t much use at the moment, then feel free to seek out these other sober people.

You’ll still have the chance to meet new people, and it’s a fun experience having a sober conversation while surrounded by drunk people.

Don’t rely on the alcohol to have fun

Some people like drinking simply because it allows them to let loose without worrying about being judged. You should know that you shouldn’t rely on alcohol to let your hair down.

Have the time of your life! Dance like nobody’s watching, and sing your lungs out. Nothing has to change just because you’re sober. Have fun because that’s what you want, not because you’re drunk.

You’ll need a different level of patience for your drink companions

In the same way that everything seems awesome when you’re drunk, you’ll find that drunk people are somewhat frustrating to deal with when you’re sober. Whether they make terrible jokes or spills a drink on you, don’t take it personally.

These people are drunk on a Tampa nightlife out. No matter how intellectual they are when they’re sober, they’re having difficulty just walking in a straight line, so brush it off and let it go. Just relax and have fun!