If you’ve made a habit of Lakeland shopping, there’s a pretty good chance that you have many items in your closet that you don’t really need or haven’t used in months or even years. This is a good time as any to declutter and “throw away” the unneeded items you have in your life. It would be nice to have an extra space in your closet, right? So, why not earn a couple of hundred of dollars from your preloved items? Heck, sometimes you may even find a shirt you haven’t actually used.

Here’s how you can define which items you need to sell and which you need to simply donate to the Salvation Army:

Clothes you haven’t used in months/years

If we really want to declutter our closets, we must first turn to our clothes. So many of those we haven’t used in months and sometimes, even years, yes? The truth is, we keep buying clothes but we only have seven days in a week to use them. There is a very good chance that most of the clothes we have in our closets remain unused for months before we remember them. Sort through your clothes and sell those you haven’t used in months.

Shoes that don’t fit your style anymore

There used to be a time when girls would rampage around wearing clogs ala Spice Girls, right? If you’ve still got those in your shoe rack, you may want to sell them. It may not fit your personal style anymore, but millennials would still go gaga over those platform shoes because it’s apparently “in” these days again. Sell it for a low price since you probably forgot about them, anyway.

Extra bags you have no use for

Do you have plenty of bags in your cabinet? Have you not used a lot of them? Do you only use your favorite brand? Well, maybe you should sell these extra bags since a lot of people may still like them. It’s a waste of space to keep accessories that you don’t plan to use anymore. You can use the extra space for the new stuff you buy.

Household items you don’t really need

Walk around your house. What do you see? Do you see books you have no need of? Do you see a couple of love chairs you haven’t used in months? This is reason enough for you to sell these items. You can either sell them online or do a garage sale.