We live in an age where we are constantly on the go. From home to school, to work, and back again, and between balancing our social lives with our personal ones. With juggling errands like Tampa shopping and bill paying, and everything else, it makes sense why fast food is becoming the dining option for many of us.

However, constantly eating takeout and fast food can be pretty unhealthy and in the long run, hard on the wallet. A good way to make sure that you eat healthy at a fraction at the cost is by prepping your meals. This means planning out your meals for the week, and preparing them at once, only needing you to grab on and reheat it.

However, if you’re new to it, it can be pretty overwhelming, from Tampa shopping for ingredients, to preparing the whole thing. So in order to help you out, here are some tips.

Don’t try to do too much at once

So you’ve just learned about meal prepping, and you’re really excited. All you have to do is make all of your meals for the week at the beginning of the week, and you’ll have a lot of free time instead of figuring out what to eat.

Remember that at a minimum, those who have done meal prep for quite awhile prepare their entire week’s meals. However, if you’ve just started out, then it is highly advisable that you start out small. Plan out maybe, two or three day’s worth of meals.

Meal prepping takes a lot of planning and organization, and doing too much at once can be too much to handle. Give it a try first by starting out small, and then slowly branch out to prep for more days.

Plan out your meals

Of course, the biggest part of meal prepping is planning out what meals you’re going to be having for the week. Plan out what meals you want for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Some people like to make one kind of dish for one meal for the entire week, while others like a little bit of variety.

As much as possible, don’t try to overcomplicate things, as you’re going to be making this in bulk, and storing it in your fridge for a significant amount of time. Try working with recipes that you’re already comfortable with, so that you know what ingredients are going to be needed, and that you like that recipe.

Figure out exactly how much you need

Buying items in bulk can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you’re going to be preparing it and eating it later in the week.

For example, if you’re going to be preparing something with fresh ingredients, like a salad, then it’s highly recommended that you only buy and prep about three days worth of ingredients, at maximum.

Make sure that you know exactly how much you’re going to need. It can be so easy to buy plenty of ingredients in bulk and end up only using a fraction of the ingredients.