Tampa restaurants have never been as popular or as big as they are now. Many entrepreneurs enter the food industry because it is one of the most promising and profitable industries today.

It has survived the onslaught of technology and though technically, technology has nothing to do in the preparation and service of food (except for making it easier now to bake, mix, and flambe), it has made marketing restaurants the easiest it has ever been.

Sure, restaurants still use traditional media to attract their market but it has also transformed their strategies to incorporate the most vital and powerful marketing tool in the world—social media.

And the number one target of the social media profiles of these restaurants? The millennials! Since this generation is basically glued to their smartphones, tablets, and laptops, they are the easiest targets of social media posts. And it’s fairly easy, too.

The only thing restaurants need to do is manage and maintain their social media profiles by regularly posting updates about their business. Yes, that’s the number one priority of every social media manager—they have to constantly engage with their customers.

Regular updates

Millennials are constantly on their phones and that means in order to keep them interested, these restaurants have to posts regular updates about their menu, their ambiance, their promos, and their events.

Millennials love trying out new experiences and if you’re not visible on their news feed, they will lose interest in your business or they will forget about you. Make sure to post regularly to update your target market of the latest happenings in your business.

Constant engagement

Your followers are bound to ask questions and they may not always ask through direct messages. That makes it doubly hard for you to monitor the comments and the inquiries being made there.

This is why you should hire a social media manager who can read through the comments on every post. The attention to customers’ needs will attract them more to check out your posts time and time again.

Promos and discounts

Your social media should be the breeding ground for promos and discounts. This is where you should be posting the information about your business’ promos and discounts.

Millennials love getting freebies and they love being rewarded for their loyalty. Make sure to keep in touch with your customers, especially the loyal ones, so you can offer them exclusive discounts and promos.