Finding the perfect gift for people can be difficult, whether it’s your husband, wife, siblings, parents, or friends. They may tell you not to get them anything, but you know you have to get them something great, because it’s their birthday, and they deserve it.

You could be lucky enough to have them tell you exactly what they want, and all you have to do is go out and buy it, but most of us prefer to surprise our loved ones with something that we’re sure they’d love. To give you a hand, here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re going on a Lakeland shopping trip to find the perfect birthday gift.

Compile everything that the recipient is interested in and work from there

One of the best ways to make sure that you get the birthday celebrant a gift that they’d definitely like is to look into their interests and hobbies. You don’t have to get them a gift related to every single interest or hobby that they have, it’ll help to find out which interest holds their attention the most. If you get them a few gifts that revolve around their interests, it’ll show them that you’re a very thoughtful person when it comes to giving gifts, and that you’ve paid enough attention to get them something that you know they’d like.

Look into something that they might need

No matter how well-off a person is, or how much they seem to have their lives together, it might help to give them something that they might need. Even the richest person you know might need something. For example, you may know someone who needs more time for themselves, or for their families. You can offer to look after their kids, or manage the shop for a few days so that they can have some time for themselves. Even something as mundane as a desk organizer can make someone’s birthday, it’s all a matter of figuring out what they might need most.

If all else fails, Facebook is your friend

If you’re still having difficulty finding something that they might like, you can try taking a peek into their social media to see if there’s anything on there that might help you out. Their social media could say a lot about what they like and what they’re interested in, and there might be a few ideas on their Amazon Wishlist.

Personalize the gift

Try to personalize the gift by adding a touch of “you” to it. Whether it’s a piece of calligraphy, art, or even a short poem that you wrote, by combining this with the earlier suggestions, you end up with a fantastic personalized gift that the celebrant will cherish for a long time.