Most events are usually planned to raise awareness, or to celebrate something. However, some people are slowly starting to plan events for the intent to earn a profit, or raise money. The great thing about these kinds of event planning is that anybody can do it, as long as you put in a little creativity.

There is a market for certain kinds of niches and services that can be found at these events. If you’re fond of putting together events and are interested in making a profit off of these events, here are some ideas that you can keep in mind that can help you earn a profit.

Seminars and workshops

There is an audience for anything, and as long as you plan things right, you can put together a seminar or workshop that can appeal to certain target audience. It can be something as niche as a workshop to learn calligraphy or flower arrangement, or it can be something that people can learn an life skill from, like a public speaking workshop.

In order to succeed in planning these seminars and workshops, you need to do the right kind of research beforehand. You can’t just plan a bunch of events and hope that people show up. Make sure that you check the amount of interest in the local community to see if there is an adequate number of people who are willing to participate in seminars that focus on those kinds of niches.


Training workshops are another great event idea that you can use to earn money from. If you have a skill that would be valuable to business employees, then you can use that skill to conduct training seminars and teach others.

There are plenty of people who would pay good money to learn more about a valuable life skill that can help them improve their personal or professional lives.

Gaming events

You can unleash the local community’s competitive side by planning gaming events that people can register for and participate in. The great thing about planning this kind of thing is that you can make a competition out of any kind of game, depending on your local demographic, and the amount of interest that people will have about certain kinds of games.

It can be something as simple as a trivia night held at a local restaurant or cafe, or it can be something as high risk as card games. It can even be a local sports tournament that can be held on a regular basis. This is a great way to build camaraderie within the local community.