Going out on a Tampa nightlife is always fun. A great night out with friends, great conversation, and just overall a fun experience to let your hair down and have fun. One of the biggest parts of a good night out is excellent drinks that help you loosen up and have fun.

Mixed drinks are especially great for a night out, as these allow you to experiment with different flavors. However, as delicious as these are, the truth is, some of them are pretty unhealthy for you, especially if you’re on a diet.

Because of the mixes and ingredients used in these, the calorie content in these can really add up. If you’re looking to have a fun Tampa nightlife out, here are some drinks that you should avoid if you’re looking to stay healthy.

White Russians

White Russians are drinks that consist of a dairy, either milk or cream, and vodka. While it is a simple drink, it can be pretty unhealthy for you, especially if you’re going to be drinking several of these in an entire night.

The dairy in the drink can pack quite a punch in terms of calories, and that’s something that you’d rather avoid. In addition to that, because dairy is so rarely used in alcoholic drinks, there’s a very good chance that the dairy that they’ll be using for your drink isn’t fresh.

Frozen drinks

Frozen drinks may be refreshing and delicious, especially during the summertime, but the exact ingredients that make it delicious are the exact same ingredients that make it unhealthy for you.

They are often mixed with mixers and sweet ingredients that add up in calories. They may be delicious, but you should limits yourself when drinking these.

Red Bull mixed with any kind of liquor

Red Bull is a very popular mixer for drinks at bars. Because of its popular and well known taste, plenty of people like using it in their drinks. However, if you’re looking out for your health, then you might want to steer clear from these.

One can of Red Bull is about a hundred calories, and if you mix it with alcohol, it will add up. However, because of its sweetness, it masks the flavor of the alcohol, and may cause you to overindulge.

Gin and Tonic

A common staple in any bar, gin and tonics are a great drink to nurse while you’re relaxing at the bar with your friends. However, while these are great, you should be awake of the amount of calories in these.

In just one serving alone, this drink can contain more than a hundred calories. If you drink enough of these, you’ll have taken in enough calories for one meal in drinks alone.

Drinks with free food

Free food is always great, but the food that they serve at bars are usually deep friend and full of calories. If you order enough drinks and eat enough of the food, you’re going to end up consuming way more calories than you ever intended without realizing it.