Plenty of people are intimidated when they have the chance to dine at fancy Tampa restaurants for the very first time. There really is nothing to worry about if you’re going to be dining at fancy restaurants, even if you’ve never done so before. Eating at fancy restaurants is an entire experience in itself, not just in the food, but how it’s presented, and how you’re treated.

However, as we’ve said, while your first experience at fancy restaurants may be intimidating, there really is nothing to worry about. If you’re going to be dining at fancy restaurants and you’re worried about how you’re going to come off, here are some common faux pas at fancy Tampa restaurants that you should avoid.

Snapping your fingers at the waiter

Not only do you come off as rude when you do this, but it’s a very distasteful way of calling the waiter’s attention. In addition to this, calling our for your waiter across the room is also a big no-no when you’re dining at fancy restaurants.

If you need to call the attention of your waiter, then you simply have to raise your hand, and make eye contact with your waiter. It’s a simple and polite way of getting their attention without disturbing the other diners.

Not knowing your table manners

Of course, at fancy Tampa restaurants, there is certain table etiquette that you should be aware of and follow. While you don’t have to worry too much about which spoon and fork goes with each course, there are a few basic things that you should keep in mind.

Break your bread, don’t use a knife to cut it open, blot with your napkin, don’t wipe, and if you’re done with your food, place your utensils together in a vertical position in the middle of your plate to indicate that your plate can be taken away.

Not asking questions

When dining at fancy Tampa restaurants, some first timers are too intimidated to ask their servers questions about things that they’re not familiar with.

This is something that you should definitely avoid. If you end up stumbling through your entire experience, then you definitely won’t enjoy it, which would be a waste.

If you don’t understand what a particular dish is, or what wine goes with what, then feel free to ask your waiter, after all, they’re there to make sure that you have a pleasant experience.

Not informing your waiter about allergies

This is definitely something that you should always avoid when eating out. If you have any adverse allergic reactions to specific types of food, always tell the waiter ahead of time so that they can inform the kitchen.

Of course, make sure that you have a legitimate allergic reaction to that type of food, not just because you don’t like the taste of it.