Clothes shopping is a fun activity for a lot of people. Whether you’re going Lakeland shopping in a retail store, or browsing your favorite online shop, there’s always that rush of anticipation when you buy something that you want. However, one must not shop simply for the sake of shopping.

It can be very easy to develop a dependence to shopping, especially if you leave yourself unchecked. In order to prevent any financial shopping disasters from happening, or simple buyer’s regret, here are some tips to help you out when you go on your next clothes shopping trip.


Budgeting is the number one thing you should do when doing any type of shopping. Have you ever heard the shopping tip, “If you can’t afford two pieces of what you’re buying, you can’t afford it”? The same hold true for clothes shopping. You need to set a clothes budget of an amount that you can actually afford. In order to help you stick with your budget, leave your cards at home, and pay only with cash. Cards, especially credit cards, give off the impression that you have more money than you can afford to spend. Leave these at home and only bring enough money that you need.

Don’t shop when you’re in a bad mood

Although “retail therapy” is a popular method of alleviating stress, never go shopping when you’re in a bad mood. People who shop in a bad mood have a tendency to over shop and buy things that that they don’t really need. Shopping in a bad mood can result in you making some very bad shopping decisions that you may later regret. Also, don’t grovert shop when you’re hungry, because the same thing happens, and you end up buying more than you need.

Always ask yourself if you’re going to wear that item you’re considering

If you’re shopping, always ask yourself if you’re going to actually wear the item that you’re considering. Sure, it might look great on the mannequin, but do you really need a floor length dress with a slit up the side? You know your own personal style and tastes, and the shopping choices you make should reflect what you want.

Don’t let the sales get to you

The word “sale” seems to trigger and almost primal urge in a lot of people. When you’re going shopping, and you pass by a store with a huge SALE sign plastered across the storefront in red letters, resist the urge to buy anything you see. First, consider the store. Okay, they’re having a great, seventy percent off sale, but they’re a store that sells baby clothing, and you don’t have a baby. Don’t buy something just because it’s on sale, because if you never needed it to begin with, you don’t save money, you end up wasting it.