The success of your Lakeland shopping business hinges on your online presence. Aside from having quality products and astounding services, your business must grow in social media, too. That means having a dedicated website and social media pages to help promote your business online. The success of your online presence will dictate also the chance of your business making it in the real world.

Expand your network

The first thing you need to know is expanding your network. You need to reach out to the same companies in the industry, know current trends, and have knowledge about the challenges that the industry face.

Expanding your network also means getting in touch with people who are experts in the industry, journalists covering the beat, and other stakeholders. One of the first steps you need to take to build your network is to launch a website and subsequent social media accounts.

A successful launching of your online presence will attract industry insiders to you as they are always curious about new players in the game. Don’t reject building relationships with these industry players since they could help you start your business.

Increase your followers

Have you noticed social media influencers on Instagram? They are all over the place, right? You should definitely increase your followers by nonstop promoting your company on social media. You can, for example, start a contest wherein there will be a prize for the people who will follow your accounts.

In the future, this is the best way to reach out to your clientele. You could bombard them with updates about your company, as well as the latest sales, promotions, and new products and services. You could also tap these social media influencers by simply sending them a basket of your goodies or a gift certificate of your services.

Ask them to review your products/services and if they deem it necessary, they could recommend your company to their followers. Since these influencers (bloggers) have hundreds of thousands of followers, we’re sure even a small portion of that number would click on the recommended link and see what you’ve got to offer.

Engage with your customers

Don’t forget to engage with your customers. That means answering queries when they are sent, commenting on their mentions of your company, and taking in suggestions and opinions. The relationship you build with the customers will help your company in the long run. They could either be so impressed by your customer service that they decide to be loyal to your company or they recommend you to their friends and family.