When it comes to marketing your Tampa events, you’ve probably got all your bases covered. You’ve got media coverage, you’ve set social media abuzz with your teasers about your event, and you’ve partnered with local businesses to help with your events advertising.

However, you might feel like you’re missing out on something to help give your events advertising the boost that it needs. You might want to look into marketing your event further by partnering with local bloggers. Here are some ways you can partner with local bloggers to market your event and why this is a good idea.

Why choose local bloggers

If you’re wondering why you should choose local bloggers to help market your event, they offer a number of advantages of typical marketing and advertising methods. For one, local bloggers are more likely to be enthusiastic about supporting local events and businesses, which means they are more likely to be more invested in helping get word out about your event.

Another advantage offered by working with local bloggers to market events is that they have a wider local audience, which can help significantly for local signups. People are more likely to trust a local blogger’s review about your event, which can convince more people to sign up. Lastly, local bloggers may have a lot of connections within the local community, which can help get word out about your event to an even wider audience.

How to find local bloggers

Now that you know why you should coordinate with local bloggers to help market your events, you may be at a loss and wondering how you can find these local bloggers. Fortunately, you can make use of different social media platforms to find bloggers who blog about the interests focused on in your event. Even a simple search engine search can help you find these local bloggers, as long as you use the right keywords.

Reaching out to them

Now that you’ve found a few local bloggers who you’re interested in approaching to help market your event, all that’s left to do is approach them. To pull that off, it is important to keep a couple of key tips in mind. First, personalize the emails that you send to them regarding your request to market your event.

This lets them know that you’re making the effort to reach out to them individually instead of sending as many invites as possible and hoping that someone responds. Next, show them how marketing your Tampa events can help them reach out to their audience. You need to show them that marketing your event can bring about benefits for them as well.