Planning for a Tampa nightlife out is always easy. You can plan what clubs you want to hit, and what places you and your group of friends you guys want to go to. You can plan outfits, routes, designated drivers, the works.

You can even plan for what pizza joint you guys want to end up in when it’s 2 in the morning, and someone in your group of friends is craving for a slice of pizza. However, people rarely think about planning for the day after, the day of the hangover.

When most people are hit with a hangover, they just take a couple of painkillers, and burrow deeper into the covers to block out the sunlight. This is where we tell you that there are some foods that you can eat that can help guide you through a hangover, and lessen its impact. Read on below.



Water should always be your number one priority when you wake up the next day with a hangover. Actually, one way to help prevent a hangover is to drink plenty of water before going to sleep after a night of drinking.

Hangovers happen when your body takes in water from your brain, which explains the pounding headache. Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after a nightlife is a surefire way to make sure that your body is properly hydrated.


One of the more troublesome symptoms of a hangover is the nausea that comes with it. To help soothe those feelings of nausea, you can brew a pot of tea. Some teas that would work best for this is ginger or peppermint tea.


Crackers or toast

Food is usually the last thing on your mind when you wake up the next morning after a Tampa nightlife. However, eating a little something can help settle your stomach. Crackers or some toast are a quick and light food that you can munch on that won’t mess with your stomach.

Bananas or anything with potassium

Because of alcohol’s diuretic effect, plenty of nutrients get flushed out of the body along with your body’s water. One of the essential nutrients that get flushed away is potassium. To help your body recover from the hangover faster, eat foods that contain plenty of potassium in them to help replenish your body’s stores.

What to avoid

Greasy food

Greasy food is often depicted as the go-to for hangover cures, but in reality, eating greasy food the morning of a hangover is going to make you feel worse.

However, greasy food is best at preventing hangovers since it is better at absorbing the alcohol before it hits the bloodstream. This explains why plenty of bar food menu items are deep fried and/or full of cheese.

Orange juice

It’s highly recommended that you stay away from citrus drinks the morning of a hangover, not just orange juice. This is because the acidity of the citrus can irritate your stomach the day after a Tampa nightlife.