Are you out of money? Are you trying to squeeze the last penny from your wallet? Are you waiting for the next paycheck? We all go through it sometimes, but the problem is when we suddenly have an emergency Tampa shopping we need to do. We will be forced to dip into our savings or worse, use our credit cards.

No matter what your income is, it’s important to manage your finances well and find ways to be a savvy shopper. Here are five tips you can follow:

Make shopping your last choice

If you need a particular item, you may not need to go to the store and purchase it actually. You can sign up for a couple of websites or ask around in Facebook community pages if there’s anyone who has what you need but is getting rid of it. You don’t always have to spend on items you need or want. If you can get it for free, then what’s wrong with that? It may be preloved but if it’s well taken care of, then that’s a pretty good deal.

Learn to negotiate

If you go to the malls, the prices of items there are set in stone. Flea markets, however, are a different beast. You can negotiate and haggle with the vendors on what the right price you think is for the item/s. Always consider negotiating with the vendors if you think there is wiggle room. If you’re in a mall and a salesclerk is persuading you to buy a lot of stuff, consider asking for a discount. If you are going to buy the display item, there should be a discount, too.

Shop in advance

If you are going to wait to buy something until the time you actually need it, you won’t have the time nor the inclination to negotiate or ask for a discount. You will pay the sticker price. Consider shopping for the items you need in advance, so that you will have the time to get a big deal out of it.


Do you really need a booster seat and a high chair for your baby? Why not simply substitute one for the other? The right booster seat with head support could act as a high chair for your baby as long as you set it on the right height. Instead of opting to buy a new item, you can always try to look for things that would be a great substitute for the item you need.

Expand your options

When you need to buy something, don’t go to the usual store. Instead, search for other shops that are selling the same items you need. Expand your options, so you will have a wiggle room to deal.