Times are tough these days and you have to be wise in terms of saving money and spending only what you can. Dining out in Tampa restaurants is a luxury that not many people can afford these trying times. So, when you do have to reward yourself because you have been working hard the past weeks and you want to try out a new restaurant or dine where you usually go, you have to ask yourself these all-important questions first:

Can I afford to go out tonight?

Did you save enough money to go out tonight and afford an expensive restaurant? You want to treat yourself to something nice, maybe even a surf and turf, but do you deserve it? Did you work hard enough this week or you simply want to splurge? If you want to be wise with your money, you need to work out a system like spending only what you have in your pocket, and not using your credit card for splurges like dining out in luxury restaurants.

Do I want what they serve?

Sure, you may be adventurous when it comes to food and you want to try out new stuff from time to time. However, if you are going to splurge, might as well make sure it’s something that you want and would make you feel good afterwards. If you’re not really into salads and vegan food, why would you spend money on a new restaurant that serves only organic dishes?

Have I heard compliments about their food and service?

What have you heard about this particular restaurant? Did a friend, a coworker, or a family member told you about it before? Did they like the dishes served? Were they impressed by the creativity of the dishes, the atmosphere of the place, the excellent service of the staff? If you have not received positive reviews about the place, you may have to think twice about spending your “splurge budget” on it.

Does my date/friends want to go there?

First things first. Ask your date or your friends if they want to come with you and check out the restaurant. Maybe it’s weekly or a monthly tradition for you guys that you get to try out a new restaurant, but always make sure that you are all in agreement about the place because you don’t want the evening to end up with them pointing at you for choosing such an awful dining place, right?