Tampa restaurants used to depend on phonebooks and on the word of mouth to get their business going. Customers come in droves because their friends and families recommended the restaurant to them.

They go there without any inkling of what to order, hoping that the dishes will surprise and wow them. But now, running a restaurant is all about perception and first impressions. Even before the customers set foot in the restaurant building, they already have an idea of what to order and they’ve read reviews about the business.

Optimize the restaurant’s presence online for mobile

It’s one thing to have a working website. It’s another thing to have that website work on your mobile phones and tablets. Most websites these days are optimized for mobile viewing. Check if your restaurant’s website can be viewed on your mobile phone and tablet.

Make sure that the lines are all within the screens, the fonts aren’t too large, and the pages are moving in a fluid motion. You have to provide a seamless mobile experience for your customers, so they will download that mobile app and visit your website in their phones.

Offer services through mobile apps and mobile websites

Your mobile apps and websites should offer different services—advanced ordering, pickup times, deliveries, reservations, etc. Your mobile app should have the complete menu of the restaurant so customers can check the dishes and the corresponding prices even before they arrive.

Mobile apps should allow the customers to reserve a table at their favorite restaurant without having to dial a single number. Even from the employees’ perspective, the entire process being automated saves everyone’s time.

Use mobile analytics to improve marketing strategies

Mobile apps and websites include analytics and data that restaurant owners can use to enhance and improve their marketing strategies.

The data will tell you a lot about how the customers use your app and website to improve their restaurant experience. You can learn a lot by reading the data and analyzing what the customers are looking for and how you can provide a better customer service to them.

Offer mobile loyalty programs

Your mobile app can monitor the number of times a customer went to your restaurant in a week or a month.

For example, you can offer a free meal to a customer who went to your restaurant 10 times in the past month. This would be a huge boost in customer satisfaction, and they would love to continue supporting your restaurant because of your loyalty program.