Lakeland shoppingPractically all parents will say that going Lakeland shopping with kids is its own special brand of hell. Kids can throw tantrums and break items which you will have to pay for. They pull at your clothes and they won’t be able to sit still while you pick an item to purchase.

It doesn’t always have to be this way. Parents can follow several tips, so they won’t be traumatized with the mede idea and the thought of bringing their kids along to the malls. As long as you stay in tune with their feelings and behavior, you’ll deal with it better.

Children have limits

If they sat for 30 minutes in one corner of the dressing room while you try on every conceivable dress in the shop, don’t expect them to stay there for another minute or so. There’s a good chance they’re just being patient with you because they don’t want you to get angry at them. But as a parent, you have to know when they are restless and what’s causing it. Are they bored? Do they want to go out and play? Are they hungry?

Children are curious

They might want to hold something breakable in the store because they are curious about it. Don’t scold them or shout at them. Rather, explain to them what is it and gently hold the product with them so they don’t break it. Let them know that they have to be careful with the things in the store and they can ask you about it first before picking it up.

Children are always hungry

Children are cantankerous when they are hungry. They won’t settle if they are looking for food or thirsty. Make sure to feed them before they go shopping with you. This way, you’ll have a couple more hours before they need to be fed again. Aside from that, always bring a snack or two in your bag. When they go hungry all of a sudden, you have something to hand to them.

Children wants to be involved

Children want to feel that they are needed. When you go shopping with them, ask their opinions about a blouse you’re going to buy or a household item you plan to purchase. Involve them in the decision making, so they will feel that they have a purpose. They would actually like to participate during Lakeland shopping, so don’t take that chance away from them.