Where Does Your Service Charges In Tampa Restaurants Go?

When a service charge appears on our Tampa restaurants tab, it becomes our favorite excuse not to tip the waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and receptionists who served us. We think that just because we already paid a 10-percent service charge, we don’t have to give even a dollar to the wait staff. This always happens when we dine in a sit-down restaurant. There’s always an additional 8% or 10% on the original bill. The question remains, though: Does this service charge go to the wait staff or is this simply how the tip works? Most countries have this to say about service charges: 85% of the service charge must go to the employees while 15% goes to the management. We’re not exactly sure if this works and if this is applied. We’re sure employees would balk at the thought of the management taking more than 15% of what they worked hard for. All the employees must have equal share in the 85% of the total service charge collected. In case the service charge is abolished, it s…
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Things To Do Before Trying Out New Tampa Restaurants

Trying out new Tampa restaurants is always enjoyable because it means you may be discovering a new dining place for your weekend brunch or dinner. Since Tampa has grown steadily popular with tourists in the past years, it means that new restaurants are popping up everywhere. In fact, you can go through a whole year of dining once a week without needing to return to the same place. But if you’re going to try a new dining option, you might as well do it the right way. Don’t just go there and be shocked with the menu prices and the dishes being served. Hit the internet and do your research first. Search for the menu You would want to know what this new restaurant is offering. Is it Asian? European? American? This is especially important if you are picky with your food. You have to check if there are choices there that you may actually want. That will make the decision process easier for you and even the ones who you will go with. You can let them check out the menu, esp…
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